Were you about to get a new tattoo when much of Victoria went into lockdown again? We must admit we felt disappointed after re-opening our Melbourne studio only to have to close it again a few weeks later after COVID-19 took hold once more.
However, it’s for the safety of everyone, so to take our minds off things, we’ve been keeping ourselves busy. Here are some of the Iso Jobs you can do too…!
Building a shed
Isolation has given us the time to do all those DIY projects we’ve wanted to do for months (or perhaps even years!) but haven’t got around to… until now. Whether it’s painting our fence or building a shed, we’re finally being productive around the house and getting to all those odd jobs we never seem to find the time for.

Planting a veggie patch
The whole COVID thing has forced us to re-examine our food and shopping habits, and it has made us realise there’s no better time than now to become self-sufficient. One of the easiest ways to do this is by planting a veggie patch.
We’ve realised you don’t need as much space as you think to grow some herbs or veggies – a small planter box will fit inside a courtyard. Just make sure the space gets enough sunlight and you’ll be feasting on fresh tomatoes in no time at all.
Learning to cook
What better way to use your fresh produce than by learning to cook? There are so many YouTube cooking programs online that you don’t really have an excuse not to try your hand in the kitchen during lockdown. Snacks, meals or desserts - what tickles your fancy?
Working out
There’s no need to worry about over-indulging in the delicious meals you whip up! We’ve found that because exercise is one of the few legitimate reasons to get out of the house each day that we’ve been making the most of the Melbourne winter by going for a walk or run when we can.
Taking an art class
If the weather is too miserable to get outside, we’ve been rugging up with some art supplies and learning new artistic techniques. While our artists have their skills down pat, there are many art teachers who’d normally teach in person who have been running affordable classes online - so there’s never been a better time to learn a new skill!
What have you been doing if you’ve been stuck in Melbourne’s lockdown? Let us know – we’re keen to hear some new ideas to help us beat the boredom!