When it comes to getting a tattoo, you need to know where you stand legally in your corner of the globe.
Over 18 is the general answer to “What age can you get a tattoo?” but laws differ in each state in Australia
and differ again internationally.
In some cases it can be 16 with parental consent but in Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia it is
illegal to get a tattoo until you are 18 years old.
In the Australian Capital Territory, you must be over 16 years and have written permission for a tattoo from
your parents. The permission must explain the type of tattoo you agree to and where.
In the Northern Territory, there are no specific rules about getting a tattoo, but in practice, any reputable
tattooist will have their own standards to abide by and will often ask you to obtain parents’ permission.
In Thailand and Bali there is a minimum age of 15 and it’s 18 years in England and Italy.

What to consider when getting a tattoo at ages 15 or 16.
Before you read on, this only applies if you are legally permitted to do so where you live.
If you’re fresh out of school, aside from making sure you are of legal age to get a tattoo, there’s some other
homework you need to do.
Getting a tattoo can be incredibly exciting but it’s best to sit on the idea for a while to ensure you have really
and truly considered the consequences of getting a tattoo and haven’t just copied your favourite Tiktok
account. Research is key.

Considerations for parents
If your child wants a tattoo or a body piercing other than in their ears, it is important to talk with them about
it. Here’s some tips to begin a conversation:
- Investigate the legalities of getting a tattoo and or body piercing in your state and country you live in
and discuss this with your child first and foremost. - Discuss this with your teenager at an appropriate time.
- Help your teenager understand the decision to get a tattoo comes with maturity and make sure they
display signs of this as this will be a good indicator of them being ready. - Listen to your teenager’s point of view. Let them tell you why they want a tattoo and why it’s so
important to them. - Ask to see the design they are considering so you can have an open conversation about
appropriateness and any possible ramifications.
It’s slightly different for piercings where under 16s can have piercings, with ear piercing being the most
common from babies onwards. For other piercings and to be sure of what age you can get a tattoo, it’s best to check with your tattoo studio for guidance.
Celebrity Ink™ offers professional tattoos and piercings in line with local laws. You can make a booking here.